Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Raking in the Moonlight

It sounds almost poetic, doesn't it? Except that I wasn't just raking, I was also vacuuming the leaves, which is quite noisy (sorry, neighbors!). I had a late start today, at around 4 (yesterday too, since I had to go and buy paper bags), so I worked into the night, up until 8 p.m. because it is supposed to rain on Thursday and I have only tomorrow to finish cleaning the front yard of tons of leaves. The back will have to wait... It's tough doing things around the house when one is working, that's for sure!

I'm really tired, and all dusty and "leafy," but I still have to cook food for us for tomorrow and stay up late I don't know until what time fulfilling the requirement of my week of preparation to teach (online). Not fun at all. Can you tell that I'm not looking forward to this experience? I just can't stand the thought of doing something just for the money... :-( I won't have one moment of relaxation from now on because I will have to be plugged 24/7 to these classes -- if someone asks a question in the forum I am required to respond within 24h... I have a feeling I won't like this, but hopefully it won't be that bad...

Ok, I wish I could stay and chat longer, but I have to go... see ya tomorrow.

P.S. the moonlight was pretty, however, and the profiles of our now bare trees against the moonlit sky looked nice, except that they made me think of all those leaves I am yet to rake, blow, vacuum and bag.


Renata said...

Better now than earlier.
We are somewhat conscientious about raking our leaves because our immediate neighbors use a lawn service to do their thing. So we can just imagine them paying all that money to then have our leaves on their lawns afterward.
We have 4 beautiful, mature trees on our small property. Last Wednesday, my husband spent hours raking and vacuuming. He didn't have to put it in bags because curbside removal was going to start Thursday. Just a few hours later, the yard is filled with leaves again and the three maple trees are bare.
So the next day he rakes and is done within an hour. We were having an unusual warm spell, so it was a nice little workout for him.
The next morning, I look out the front window, just a couple of leaves. I look out the back window -- the yard is covered with oak leaves (our biggest tree)! Not only that, the neighbor's driveway was totally covered from his oak too. All the oaks are bare! Their lawn service hasn't come by yet, so we aren't compelled to rake out in the cold right now. :-)

M said...

What a nice image, Lilian!