Monday, November 10, 2008

Photo Update to Old Post

Since I was talking about medical things I began to look at older posts and then I remember that I wanted to post pictures to go with this post about my son's red spotted rash from last July (it was actually all I could manage to post on the 4th of July).

if you're squeamish you may not want to look at them, although the rash is not that bad... It was scary to look at, but it didn't hurt or itch. I'm sure of the culprit -- antibiotics, which made his immune system weaker and thus prone to weird reactions to the virus he had, including something like "benign acute myositis" which he had on the day before the rash appeared.

I just thought I'd plug my old post and its weird rash pictures ;-) and also explain it for those who will get it in their feed readers (I don't know how these things work, but I suppose republications of older things appear, do they?).

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