Friday, May 12, 2023

"This world was never meant for one As beautiful as you" - For Heather (and Vincent)

The news of Heather's suicide reached the internet on Tuesday morning, and I've been thinking not stop about it since then, and trying to process by reading different Instagram and substack posts and news articles (I'll come back to add links), but I didn't cry until tonight, when I remembered that Heather ADORED this song, especially this cover by James Blake. She must have shared it with us her readers back in 2017 when the video came out. It's a beautiful and heartbreaking song, very fitting for this moment. My heart is broken for Linda (most of all, a mother's worst nightmare), Pete, Leta, and Marlo. 

We will miss Heather so much, she was an inspiration, even amidst all her pain and sorrow.