Friday, December 31, 2010

I Got My Only 2010 Wish!!

 364 days ago I made a wish:

I have one single wish for 2010:

a (good) job for K.

No resolutions (not that I ever make any, I can't stand resolutions), no other high dreams and plans, just this. It'll be more than enough if it happens.

It came true!!!!! I hope my wish for 2011 comes true as well. I'll write about it tomorrow.


And may all your wishes come true in 2011.


t1 Diabetes said...

Feliz ano novo. Que o nosso Pai querido continue andando do seu lado, mostrando o caminho e com sua voz gentil te confortando quando tudo parece tao confuso!

kate said...

Yay! Hope 2011 is as good!