Friday, November 19, 2010

Second Wind

I thought I'd never be in the mood to get this post written...

You see, when our nicely configured trajectory "derailed" a little bit earlier this year when K decided to pursue the position in Georgia, I didn't suspect how hard it would be to go through this strange detour trip. I will blog about that later, but today I want to concentrate on the positive aspects of staying here, not on the detour.

Amidst the sadness of letting go, I told K that we'd now been given a "second wind" and that this was our chance to finally be able to enjoy life here. Easier said than done (oh boy, maybe I should have written the negative post before this one! Sigh), but yesterday I finally began to feel a nice "breeze" coming back to me.

This place is growing on me as new places usually do. It's just that some take way longer than others, like Pennsylvania ;-) and other places just seem "right" from the very beginning. Well, back in July I thought that this place here was perfect and I was literally "grieving" and lamenting the possibility of moving away from here instead of enjoying the beauty, the calm, the newness of it all. I'm a defensive pessimist, remember?

But then... I began to earnestly try to convince myself of how nice there would be, so it wouldn't be too hard to change gears if we decided to move. Things went downhill from there (subject of the other post! back to the subject at hand!).

Yesterday, however, when I was driving, I thought about the place growing on me, about how right it feels -- in spite of some struggles for me professionally (yet another post -- how many posts have I got in me? I'm crazy my friends and I still have to pack to travel) and then...

... then for whatever reason K and I began to look at houses for sale and that felt great!

So, yeah... second wind. I want to fly again, to soar above the clouds. Life was pretty miserable at times in the past three years, but now, I trust, has come the time to be at peace and, hopefully start to get comfortably settled.

How many years again have I been waiting for this?

P.S. this is a scheduled post so I don't miss posting on the day of our trip.

PS.2 I wish I could post photos of here. Maybe in facebook. ;-)


M said...

I'm glad you're starting to feel more at home in the new place.

ArticulateDad said...

That's great, L! You're flying in a wind of your own making.