Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Long Time Friend

I've always had many friends, particularly after we moved from a rural place (my parents taught at a boarding academy in the Brazilian countryside and we lived there for five years) to the big city of São Paulo in 1984.

Most of my (girl) friends were my own age, or slightly older, but I had a few younger (girl) friends (i.e. my brother's age, 2+ years younger). My two best "younger friends" were in my brother's class, but we sang in a choir together and I always enjoyed spending time with them. I blogged about one of them here and the other is a friend that moved away (to Canada and later to the U.S.) back in the late 80s, so I've seen here very rarely over the years.

When we decided to come to Florida we were coming primarily to visit our closest friend in the U.S* and his family. Our last visit was in Dec. 08 and we hadn't met their son who was born last year in April. I hadn't even thought of checking to see if my long-time friend would be visiting her parents (who happen to live here) and when I met the parents last Saturday and found out she was coming from Texas I was thrilled!
*We have so many close friends that we have to create categories for them.

I hadn't seen D and her daughters since 2006 when I saw her at a wedding in Brazil, so it was awesome to be able to catch up and see her daughters all these years later (her youngest was a baby four years ago).
I know we would look way better with some make up on :) but I still like this photo a lot!

YAY for friends! Particularly pleasantly unexpected meetings like this one! Our kids played and played together and our husbands' talked lots. I hope we can find a way to meet again sometime in the future. Too bad Texas is so far away from VA. :(

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