Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This Just In

Remember the "life changing possibilities"? Well, last night we found out via email that the concurso (competition for a tenure track position) has been scheduled for the Thanksgiving week (Wed-Fri).

Very convenient for K to travel (he won't miss teaching any classes), but quite sad for us to be without him for my favorite holiday as well as the 8th Thanksgiving in a row with his brother's family (this time with his mom and his youngest brother too - visiting on the weekend from Canada). In any case, he'll go and participate. You know I have very ambivalent feelings about going back to Brazil, but still, someone who doesn't have a job cannot waste any chances of getting one, right? I'll keep you posted.


Rene said...

Yay! Will we get to see him? I don't know if my K (K3) will be around that week, hmmm . . . need to check that out.

Jody said...

Good luck! It's hard to be on a road and not see the destination -- but at least you're traveling.