Sunday, November 29, 2009

Before It's Too Late

It's the next to last day of NaBloPoMo and I want to post early not to risk being late this evening. There's a great likelihood that we won't be home before midnight, although K wants to leave right after lunch (who knows what time lunch will be anyway? We still want to take the boys to the pool, etc...).

In any case, I need to go finish packing our things before we head to the pool. It'll be the fourth day in a row that the boys go to the pool and they're delighted. They're playing Wii and bickering right now, particularly my youngest, who's an angry, choleric little boy. :-( On Friday night he was such a sore loser that K had to take him out of the game they were playing -- not Wii, a Bible card game -- to have a serious talk with him. Sigh. I sometimes think that I'm failing my boys entirely because of my own quick temper -- they learn by example, not by the things they say. Raising kids is just a most overwhelming responsibility. I still love every minute of it, but I do feel angry and at the end of my rope way too often for comfort during our "regular days."

OK, I really need to go finish packing, and we're helping MIL to leave the house ready for the movers to come on Wednesday. I feel bad about our own messes here, we need to get everything out of her way ASAP so she can concentrate on her own stuff. And I have one week to get all my things ready -- thankfully it's not for moving, it's just a trip!

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