Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Year in Review

I waited until today to post this meme not only because I didn't have time to do it earlier, but because I thought it would be more fitting to do it as my last post of the year. I first saw it at Raising WEG, and then Laura, Kateri and Cloudscome did it too.

The meme asks one to post the first sentence of each month's post, but I'm also including the post title, as well as links to the whole month and the post.

January: "Here in Brazil #4 Quick Update or Travels, Birthdays, and Weddings"
"I’ve been very busy over here."

February: "Amazing T-Shirt Folding Technique!!"
"OK, since I mentioned t-shirts in the previous post, it seems fitting to link to a recent post by Andi (from Mother Shock) which is indeed a "gift" to anyone who hates to fold laundry as much as I do."

March: "Of Snow and Snowmen (and Exercise : )"
"This post is over three weeks too late, since the snowstorm was three Sundays ago (2/12)... but, better late than never, I guess!"

April: "Oh Jane, dear dear Jane..."
"I'm in a state of grace right now (and I hope this expression means the same in English as it does in Portuguese)."

May: "Random Notes (Bees, Teething, Arrivals et ali)"
"On Saturday I was stung by a bee right on my left tigh, can you believe it?"

June: "Festive Weekend and Family Internationalization"
"My brother and his wife arrived on Friday to visit us for a week before they head to China, where he's going to work for at least two years as a forest engineer for a Sweedish paper company."

July: "So, it's Over for Brazil"
"I'll post soon about my gorgeous newborn nephew, but I wanted to get to the bad news first..."

August: "Calling All Academic Mothers!! Mama Ph.D. Book"
"I know most people may have already heard of this and since my readership is quite limited, I may not help much, but I wanted to get the word out, because this proposed book is literally the materialization of some of my greatest wishes!!!"

September: "I'm Back!"
"We got back from Florida this afternoon and although I'm dying to post and catch up with other people's blogs I really can't because this house is a big mess!!"

October: "Answering Your Questions!"
"You asked, so I respond."

November: "Spoke Too Soon"
"My son seemed to be better during the day, in spite of a total lack of appetite."

December: "Blogging is Very Useful Sometimes..."
".... even though it's not a blue engine."

I can't see a unifying theme in these. Some are good summaries of important events, while others are a bit random. It's certainly a fun exercise.

My blogging friend Cloudscome added a new twist to the meme: choosing a favorite photo each month. This was interesting because it made me realize that even though I do post lots of photos, there were months I posted hardly any, and when I did I tended to pack many photos into one post. I think I'll start posting single photos like Cloudscome does.

January (my mom's house - the only photos available this month)
February (cake - only photos too)
March (flowers - this month has six posts with various photos it was hard to choose)
April (flowers again, only 2 posts w/ photos this month)
October - hard to decide: cranberries, flowers, Central Park.
December (Christmas trees - only post with photos)

Happy New Year!


Emily said...

Happy New Year Lilian! I hope 2007 is wonderful for you and your family!

Andromeda Jazmon said...

I love this review! You have some fantastic pictures here. I realized I have been reading your blog almost from the beginning of my blogging experience. You've had a great year. Happy 2007!

zabrina said...

Happy New Year!!! Thanks for visiting my blog!

Juliet said...

2006 was quite the year in pictures! You are a great photographer!