Thursday, September 05, 2013

The MLA Job Info List Access is Now Free...

... so now I can see all the jobs that maybe I could think of applying to and/or fantasize about having, but which I never will.

Ha ha.

For those of you out there not in languages, literatures, cultures/humanities, access to the job list -- the main concentration of job listings in our subject areas -- used to be restricted to MLA [Modern Language Association] members or to people whose departments gave them a username and password to enter (this was my case until I finished the PhD back in 2008).

Now they've opened access to non-members. I have only been an MLA member on years I went to the convention -- 1999, 2004, 2006: the only time I actually presented. I just can't afford being a member of my preferred professional associations and only do that when I decide that I'll go to the national conference (when it is in a location where I have free lodging at a friend or relative's place).

P.S. when I re-read yesterday's "Grading"post I noticed that the "rant" in the second part of the post gets a bit "lost" because it's subject is slightly unrelated to the beginning of the post. I suppose that's s good thing. I'm sure you're tired of hearing me say the same things over and over again. Good thing I at least have photos of pretty flowers to break up the tedious series of job-related angst posts. ;-)

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