Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Fun with Search Engine Results Leading Here

I've wanted to write a post about this for the longest time, but I don't check my stats very often (sometimes they freak me out a bit), but I thought it was about time. Some of these searches are recurring ones, but most are pretty unique.

Searches From March 7 to 10, 2007

nygard table - Interestingly enough, if you Google this, I'm the very first result! :) Even before IKEA. And it's not because of anything I wrote on my posts before and after we bought the table, it's because of Alice's comment (which is what is featured in the result). I'm planning to write a post exclusively about this table, including plenty of photos, of course. That might help those people who are looking to learn more about it ;)!

the joy of cooking translated to portuguese
- this is because of the title of this post and the fact that

Catterpillars in Spain - that's a pretty intriguing one, and I came up because of my caterpillar post from last summer. Last week there were TWO searches featuring just
catterpillars - this blog is the 5th result on Google :)

toil;e to23 nova - this was clearly a typo, but my blog came up because of these sentences:
"Are we really supposed to toil away by ourselves day after day (uh and night after night) ... I took piano classes for 17 years, from 6 years old to 23. ..."

pineapple mint juice - ha! I liked this search since I wrote a nice post about this yummy juice. Another search was a variation of this, but the person used the word pineapple in Portuguese:
pineapple mint abacaxi

brazil expat - that would be me!

gender roles in parable of the sower - I never wrote about specifically this subject but I mention gender roles in various posts and mentioned Octavia Butler's book once. Intriguing.

new nutrition children - well, I'm interested in nutrition and cooking for children, I guess that's why.

"cat home alone" all day - oh, this one made me feel so guilty that sometimes we do leave the cat alone even for a few days!

i feel confused - hmm, I do too, many times :)

"i hate my dissertation" - I don't, really, but sometimes I almost feel like I do.

2 people were looking for Pithy Dithy, who had just had a baby when the searches were made, and my blog was the first thing that came up in the yahoo search engine, interesting! Since she's on my side bar, I think they were able to find her.

Searches from the last few days
pictures of tulips - yay, I do have plenty of those and I love tulips, so I guess this person came to the right place :)

"women doing it all" - I mentioned this proposed book (which hasn't come out yet) once, I think.

catterpillars TWICE

birth stories and pictures - oh, yes, I love birth stories. I have only two here, though.

For those of you out there who are wondering how I found out about these searches, all you have to do is add something such as Sitemeter (the one I have) or Statcounter to your blog and check your traffic periodically. You'll be able to see who visits your blog and which links (referrals) led them there - I found out about the searches looking at them "by referral."

Some searches from the last 24 hours:
- laminate floor braxton oak - I wrote about laminate flooring, but the braxton must have been from a post on labor mentioning Braxton Hicks contractions, no? :)
- catterpillars again!
- pithy dithy again (yahoo search has me first and second)
- Photos slideshow - hmmm, it must be because I just did a couple of those, right?
- high school musical birthday cake - ??? birthday cakes OK, but high school musical?
- breastf*eeding pictures and stories [I added the *]- the first two words used to be much more common until I put st*ars in certain words (because I posted several pictures of my sons nur*sing here) -- this one came up because of the comments to one of those posts...
- hate kelly preston - what? this is very random, I never wrote about this. It's probably because this is from a not very effective search tool by comc*ast . net.


Aliki2006 said...

Wow-- my hits to my site are so boring compared to yours!

pithydithy said...

Funny that folks who are looking for me get sent to you! They're probably better off that way :-)

Keiko said...

Ai Lilian, vc eh mesmo engraçada!
Um dia, quem sabe eu tenha essas coisas chiques no meu blog (no mesmo dia que eu conseguir ter um jardim! hehe)

Alice said...

oh dear, and I hardly remember what I commented back then. (I hope I didn't discredit IKEA in some waz, gulp) ;)
Also, that's almost creepy. Are you telling me that people can google up our comments as well?

Alice said...

oops, typo (German keyboard) ;) that was supposed to be 'way', not waz... ;)

AcadeMama said...

This is so funny! I wish I knew how to find out how people get to my blog sit.

zabrina said...

On mine people keep looking for the Wonder Woman!!!! HAHAHAHA! That's funny.
Did you get the egg?