Thursday, September 25, 2008

He *HAS* Appendicitis!

I am flabbergasted!

The phone just rang and I saw Hospital of the U. of Penn on the caller ID and gave it to K. They were calling to report that the result of this morning's CAT scan indicates an appendicitis and told him to go to the emergency room. "Right now?" he asked.

The thing is... after intense pain and fever last Wednesday, he felt better and better (although I panicked every time I tried to call home from Brazil on Friday) and has been OK since last Saturday. He had seen the doctor on Thursday and although she thought that his pain (which was already better when he had the appointment) seemed to indicate appendicitis, she didn't tell him to go to the emergency room, she just put in a request to a CAT scan. K mistakenly thought it had scheduled for Tuesday, but it was today.

He's feeling perfectly fine (apart from having had loose BMs from drinking that yucky contrast liquid), but obviously that doesn't mean that he doesn't need surgery. He just doesn't want to go to the ER NOW -- it would be a big problem because we don't have anyone to watch the kids. He wants to go in tomorrow morning. He called the hospital to know what to do. They told him that they don't schedule appendicitis surgery -- is that really so?? Not even in a situation like his?

Well, I'll keep you posted. What exciting lives we lead!

Edited to Add: I'm driving him to the aforementioned hospital. Kids and all in the car. We're just going to "dump" him at the E.R. and come back home. :-(


kate said...

Wow, I hope all goes well! Yikes!

Rene said...

Oh my! I'm staying tuned for the latest update. In the meantime, we'll keep him in our thoughts and prayers.

Alice said...

oh no! Wishing K that everything goes well & a good recovery! I am confused, though, judging from your last post I thought you were in Brasil (did you return already)?

Jody said...

Wow. You guys do lead interesting lives.

I hope the ER wasn't too stressful and the surgery was a quick success.

Prisca said...

I'm late seeing your update! OH MY! I'm hoping K is doing well. I had mine out years and years ago. I'm sorry this is all coming at you so suddenly.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, keep us posted if you can and hopefully K will soon be on the mend!

Unknown said...

Oh dear. Hope it all goes well. I can't believe his pain got better. When I had it, I felt like I was dying until they knocked me out before surgery!