Monday, January 29, 2007

Great Weekend

We had a most wonderful weekend. Two of our best friends from Brazil visited for full three days, and it was heavenly! These are the same friends in whose house I was staying at when I wrote this and whose daughter is picture with my son in this post.

We just talked and talked into the nights, did some fun shopping together, and ate good food. Yesterday we took them to one of our favorite places, Longwood Gardens (photo above), and they loved it. It was snowing lightly outside the whole time, which added to the magic of looking at those magnificent flowers. My friend took the following picture of "the three men of my life:"It was a very refreshing weekend. Now, however, I need to start thinking seriously about the dissertation and all the dark fears that come with it. I have to start facing this "monster" so I can conker it once and for all in the coming months. This is scary. Scary because I'm aware of my many limitations and my literally disabling flaws. More on that soon, though. Right now I just want to enjoy the lingering feelings from the magnificent, perfect, weekend. (Sigh)


Keiko said...

Ai Lilian...

happy for you,
There's nothing like having brazilian friends around...

Eu já to contando os dias pra Nyrlei e o Tiago que dizem que vem em julho de 2008...


ArticulateDad said...

Great shot of the three men in your life. I like how the one way points directly at the big one. :)

Sigh not so much my friend. It unbecomes your lovely disposition.

Anonymous said...

It's great when we have good friends. Enjoy the feelings that remain from the weekend and...when it comes the time, you will think about other thinks.
Um beijo para você.

Juliet said...

It is always a special and magical treat when we get to spend time with good friend. Especially friends that we rarely get to see. I am so happy that you got to have that treasured time recently. ^_^

Aliki2006 said...

I love that picture!

Chin up about the diss...I hear yuo about it being a monster, though.