Saturday, January 20, 2007

Delicious Pineapple-Mint Juice

This week I bought a big pineapple. We ate some of it and I saved the rest to prepare one of our favorite juices -- pineapple-mint juice. It's become a popular juice in Brazil, but I don't remember drinking it while I still lived there 10 years ago. I heard of it from a Brazilian friend sometime in the past two years and since I always have spearmint in our herb garden (particularly to make tabbouleh which I like with lots of spearmint, and not as much parsley) , we have enjoyed this juice quite often ever since.

Thanks to the warm weather, I didn't even have to go out and buy spearmint. Mine aren't big enough to harvest, but my neighbor's are. I took this photo of them after harvesting the biggest leaves:
(I hope this is not all the snow we have this winter!)
The juice is very simple to prepare, you just put the chopped pineapple in the blender with the spearmint leaves, sugar and water (photos with no water yet, obviously), after blending, it's best to pass it through a sieve before drinking.

Let me know what you think if you try it, I'll be curious to know!! My mouth is watering just by looking at these photos... yum!


Juliet said...

Ooh! I've never tried that before, but it sounds so yummy!
And thanks a lot for mentioning tabbouleh! I have been craving the stuff lately! ^_^

Alice said...

mmmmmmm!! I have to try that! Only where to get fresh mint now ....

Corey said...

Oh my gosh, that looks great! I want to live in your house... good food all the time! It also looks very healthy. I need to eat more fruit and veggies at this time of year.

Aliki2006 said...

That looks incredible! We don't have any fresh mint, but my father does. I'll have to snag some next time we're in MD. Thanks for posting that yummy drink recipe!

Emily said...

Warm weather?

Freezing here in the UK and nothing is growing at all apart from icicles on my nose! Snow is coming!

Hope all is well

Keiko said...

ha! Inspired by you...
Comprei um pezinho de oregano e um de salsinha hoje no supermercado ao inves das versoes no saquinho!
Ah sim, alem de um abacaxi pra fazer com hortela (esse do saquinho...)
To aprendendo...

Anonymous said...

It is not healthy because it has added sugar in it this is a very unhealthy recipe