Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Well Deserved Break/ Aliases for Committee Members

I'm taking a well-deserved break after two and a half days (and nights -- I went to bed at 2 a.m. last night) of feverish* work and I may even get to catch up at the other blog where I wrote this post explaining that I needed to work on the dissertation and wouldn't blog again until after chapter six of my dissertation was fully revised.

I'm thrilled to report that it's not only revised, but it has already been emailed to certain committee members and printed out and put in two other committee members' mailboxes several hours ago. Now I have two chapters (4 and 5) that need LOTS of work and then I have to revise chapters 1-3, work on the conclusion, and then... I'll be ready to defend!!!

The defense date has not yet been set "thanks" to ONE committee member that hasn't gotten back in touch with me. :-( Let's call this person Dr. Late. I was thinking of names for the other committee members, like Dr. Mentor to my former advisor, Dr. Published to current advisor, and Dr. Contrarian to the other member, the one who is tough but who loves my work, thankfully.

I know that I'm in a "high" moment right now and that plenty of "low" moments may follow as the feedback begins to come in, but I hope I can finish in spite of the fact it's likely to be a roller-coaster ride. (Perhaps my mantra should be: "I love roller-coasters, I love roller-coasters... ;-)

* Talking about feverish, my son spent the day with a fever yesterday and had to stay home from school. Thankfully he slept on the couch most of the afternoon and I only had to interrupt my work to feed him some pasta and give him apple cider to drink (he claimed that drinking it helped his headache get better). He's feeling much better today and even went to school, but as he and another boy were the only two kids who didn't go to the school's ski trip (I had forgotten all about it) he complained to the substitute teacher about a headache, she called me, and I went to pick him up around noon. He's just too smart this little guy.


Rene said...

That's a big step--good for you! I know you can last just a little while longer.

Hope the little one is fully recovered soon.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! Keep on moving! You know by now that you have to focus less on the lows that may come--that just takes away from what you are feeling now.

Kisses to your little one!