Thursday, June 28, 2012

Connectedness: Imminent Change is coming to Casa in Translation!

well, well, well

I feel a lot of trepidation about this decision, but our lives are never going to be the same again, I'm sure, after we join the ranks of smart-phone owners, something that will probably happen tomorrow.


I do think it's going to make our lives easier at times, but...


I am horribly afraid of having internet access wherever, whenever. I'm just addicted to the internet and having no limits as to where and when I can go online makes me really scared!

If you've made this transition, can you share some of your wisdom and your experience with me, please?

Pretty please?



jo(e) said...

I haven't made the transition -- but I'm interested to hear how it goes.

Jeannnette said...

Get a really good case. Even if it makes yr smart phone less pretty. It is totally worth the investment.

Oonie said...

Did it last week. Got an iPhone and an OtterBox to keep it safe. Get the case somewhere other than the phone store.
I chose not to put certain apps on my phone to make it harder to access some things (blogger, twitter, etc.). I have also discovered I do not enjoy the touchscreen keyboard so that limits me anyway, which is great.
Love: the camera, the calendar, the syncing, Visual Voicemail.
Only like: the actual phone part (not the worst I've had but not the best either); autocorrect (has actually been pretty good so far)
Dislike: onscreen keyboard (prefer a physical one), "push" notifications (almost all are off on mine), the kids begging me for time on it ALL THE TIME to the point where I'm ready to unload the games.
Good luck! Don't type and drive!