Friday, October 16, 2009

Bilingual Dreamer

I don't want to forget this, so I have to blog it, "Baby Book" style, like Dawn...

On Wednesday morning when we were waking up and Linton was in our bed as usual (he often comes in the middle of the night or in early morning), I began to share some of the crazy dreams I'd had that night. That's when Linton said (in Portuguese):
I had two dreams in Portuguese and one in English.
I was very happy with his bilingual dreaming and I'm sure it's a direct consequence of the weekend spent in the company of our Brazilian friends in Massachusetts. English has become his main language and I was glad that he'd dreamed in Portuguese.

P.S. I also want to record a transfer that he did today (technically yesterday) when I was preparing a pizza for us to eat at lunchtime. I had stretched the dough and I was spreading sauce and cheese. When I sprinkled oregano, he said:
Agora está olhando como uma pizza.
Which is literally in English "Now it looks like a pizza," but which in Portuguese doesn't make any sense and goes something like "Now it is looking the same way as a pizza would." The correct sentence in Portuguese (and which Kelvin immediately said when he heard me telling the story to his dad this evening) would be "Agora está parecendo uma pizza." To look like = parecer.

1 comment:

t1 Diabetes said...

awww... so cute. I wish I had the brains to speak Portuguese with Sara. I forget it all the time... blah.