Monday, June 30, 2008

Update on Fever Situation

Thank you so much for all of you who chimed in. After I wrote last night's post, K left the house for the grocery store at 1 am and bought ibuprofen. We gave it to the boys and their fevers went down fairly quickly. I thought of updating the blog since I had trouble falling asleep, but I considered it would be a bit too much to get up at 2 am to come and post! :-)

They both slept well and though the night (well, since 1:30 am) and seemed OK this morning. Between 10 and 11 they were feverish again, though, and I may have to use ibuprofen later if the acetaminophen I just gave them doesn't work. In any case, I'll call the nurse at the pediatrician's office.

I will write another post soon so you can read about other things going on in our lives, not only about our health problems :-).

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