Friday, June 13, 2008

Yummy Brazilian Fruit - I

I think that one of the Brazilian fruit [can one say "fruits"?] I miss the most is this type of grapes. They are more or less like concord grapes, only another variety, which is called "pink grape" (uva rosada).

This fruit is called pinha or fruta-do-conde (fruit of the Count) and it's very sweet and delicious. Here you can see the pulp:

The photo below if of a citrus fruit that I'm pretty sure was engineered by Japanese agricultural folks in Brazil and is called ponkan My husband loves it. It's easy to peel (a bit like a Clementine, but much bigger and with thicker skin) and is easy to eat and very flavorful: More photos coming soon.


Kat said...

Hi Lilian,

Would send you a longer note but not sure how to do that as I have so many many thoughts after reading just a few entries. I am Brazilian Chinese (can speak and write in Portuguese too) currently living in Vancouver, Canada. Mother of a 21 month year old adorable boy (even though I too wanted a girl) and seriously contemplating whether or not we ought to have a second child. I love babies but my husband and I still have no idea where we are going to live -- Boston, where we got our doctorates, New York, where we love and many friends live, Vancouver (where I have residency but don't love), or return to Brazil (where hubby is now, still repaying his loan to CAPES and the university -- both financed his doctorate). It really is a struggle and having done the single mom, distant relp thing for a few months now, I find the thought of having a second child (as much as I would love one) overwhelming. Hubs would love it but he is not the one doing most of the childrearing and working full time these days! Anyway, if you have any thoughts of one vs two children I would love to hear it. I know that this wasn't an issue you struggled with but I do resonate with your sadness about being "done".

Sorry about the long post. Thanks for the thought provoking writing and enjoy Brazil. My son and I are heading down to Rio on Monday for 3 weeks.


Keiko said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa que delícia!!! Quero, quero quero!!!
