Wednesday, May 07, 2008

News & Dreams

After a lovely weekend in Massachusetts (I hope to blog about it soon) I'm still busy with revisions, revisions, revisions of the dissertation. I just can't take it anymore, but hopefully it'll be over soon.

I don't know if you noticed, but the last post not only celebrated my 600th post, but also had recent news at the end, so check it out. I forgot to mention that the greatest reason to celebrate is that now I CAN work. I just have to figure out how/what/when/where. Any suggestions? I'm even thinking of putting ads in the blog (I had some last year [even though technically I couldn't], but they asked me to remove them, oh well). I know some of you do BlogHer -- would you recommend it?

I also want to begin that website I've been dreaming about and which would be a resource (scholarly and general interest) on Brazilian literature. I suppose that ad revenue could also be a source of income if I figure out how to make this site an indispensable resource and market it accordingly. Well, I guess the sky is the limit, I only have to begin planning and putting my plans into action. Well, now, back to those revisions so I can submit the dissertation again soon...


kate said...

Exciting news!

I love the idea of your website on Brazilian literature, though not so much the idea of trying to make money off it. I imagine it would be taken more seriously without ads-- at least, I would balk a bit at a scholarly website with ads (or really most any website with ads, though the BlogHer ones don't bother me on blogs.) Perhaps a labor of love of this sort is a lot of work, but I do think it is worth it (says she who is not the one putting in the time and resources!)

A good example might be the "American Indians in Children's Literature" blog, which seems to be a very widely-read resource.

Anyway, I do wish you the best of luck in finding gainful employment, most especially in something fulfilling.

Aliki2006 said...

Congrats agaiN!

Rene said...

I'm so glad everything seems to be falling into place for you! Good luck with the job hunting--I'm very interested in your search.