Tuesday, May 27, 2008

So Much and Nothing

Here I am, with tons of things to say and share, and I'm posting nothing (well, I was, now I am writing this post). I guess my excuse this time is that I forgot the camera cord at so I couldn't post any pictures over the weekend and tonight I was reading other blogs instead of posting.

We're safely back home after the long weekend away.

Commencement was great, we spent time with friends on Saturday, went to Newport R.I on Sunday, and stopped for a few hours in New York City on our way back.

I took tons of pictures and I hope to be able to post some soon. A trip to Brazil looms in the horizon, though, and K will spend all of next week in Boston because of a work trip he had forgotten about when he bought our tickets for Thursday next week (he'll fly back on the day of our trip).

So... I hope I can do it (post more and what I really want to post). And my apologies for this lame post... gotta go to bed. Today was K's birthday, BTW...


Marco Aurelio Brasil said...

Se fosse fácil e tranqüilo não seria nossa vida, seria outra coisa qualquer! Iac!

ArticulateDad said...

It's all good for you Lilian. No rush, no worries. It's time for you to enjoy. We'll wait patiently for pictures and reflections.

Anonymous said...

Eu fui pra NY nessa minha viagem pros States. Bem, na verdade eu fui pra Carolina do Sul, mas a gente reservou um final de semana pra aproveitar bastante, e NY foi nosso destino!!! ADOREI!!
Vou ficar esperando suas fotos. Não queria postar as minhas no meu... por enqto ainda quero meu blog meio anônimo. É pouco provável q alguém q eu conheça ache meu blog, mas assim eu me sinto mais a vontade.
Mas vc tem orkut? Posso te passar o meu e vc ver minha fotos =]