It's painful to write that I am consciously and very rationally making the decision not to have any more children, but the truth is that at 37 (K already, me in July), our lives are still extremely unstable and uncertain and we won't really have time, economic resources, as well as psychological and physical strength to do it all over again. I miss my babies terribly, they grow more and more each day, but I don't think that having another baby is the right thing for our family, nor will it fill the eternal "void" for a baby because s/he'd grow too.
I'm writing this now because people were asking me about this in the past few days and I've taken some time to think seriously about it. It just wouldn't work. If K's work situation was not what it is now (absolute uncertainty, work could end and any minute and we'd be left scrambling in what to do to keep this expensive house, we might need to move soon, etc), maybe, just maybe, things would be different, but for some reason they're not.
We're delightfully happy with our two sons. I'm absolutely certain that it was the right thing for me to have boys and not a girl as I originally wanted. I won't go into that again. Too complicated. That post alone has already caused pain (to my mom, who read it by accident), so I think there would be complications were I to have a girl. Maybe my MIL didn't have girls for similar reasons, who knows.
Anyway... it was not because of my children's gender that I wanted another one, it was just that I love babies, I love children and I felt that I wasn't "done." But I guess I am. I can only look back, but not forward, that's the right thing to do for our family. Things are already very complicated as it is now. Good thing we have the option of planning this aspect of our lives (I know that many people don't agree with that, but I guess that maybe not the readers of this blog ;-).
OK, there are so many things to tell and share, but I felt like writing about this tonight. Maybe because I'm feeling lonely (K is in Boston) and stressed out about the upcoming trip and overly sensitive. I feel like crying for lots of things, but it's a general sadness about the boys growing up (I was writing a comment for this post by Jennie) and I looked at some photos of Linton at 11 months old, and I guess this triggered the whole thing), the uncertainty of our lives, and my worries about that and the trip. I think I need a flower photo right now. (although that might just make me cry even harder because I don't know for how long I'll have a garden -- in spite of that I just bought some tomato plants and more flowers this afternoon). I'll give you a picture of the boys instead. They are my joy.
Your boys are beautiful. I wish I knew what to say to make you not sad, but I think there is a mourning that many of us will go through when we make the decision you have made. I'll be sending happy energy your way!
Oh Lilian, I'm sorry you feel sad. Even though I'm "done" (by the way, I didn't delete the post--it's over on the Family Education Network now so, rules being rules, I had to put it into draft mode on my own blog) I still feel pangs of nostalgia, and it's hard.
Hugs to you...
I've been done since Madison came home but lately have been wishing that somehow another baby would wander into our lives. I finally realized I'm just going to be living with that gnawing "what if" melancholy probably for a long time. It's weird how biology makes us keep on yearning even when there's no practical way that another baby is a good idea.
I agree with Dawn. I wasn't sure if we should have a third, and I know we are definitely, positively, absolutely done, but now that he's here I find myself wistfully thinking of another. But no.
Your boys are deliciously adorable! I know you did want another, though, and I'm sorry you're feeling sad.
Oh, they are so, so sweet.
Deciding to be done is a tough thing, I think. I've always marveled at how some people can just pop out 1 or 2 kids and "know" they are finished. I don't think I'll ever know -- I'll just never get around to another, and so the decision will make itself.
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