Yesterday I stepped on every square foot of the lawn while mowing it with our self-propelled push mower. All our neighbors have those small tractor mowers, but besides the fact that we cannot afford one, it's good exercise to mow the lawn using a push mower. I do miss our electric lawnmower because it didn't pollute and was not as loud, but it really wouldn't help much with such a big yard. I love mowing the lawn, it's the type of work which provides instant results and gratification. It also makes me think intensely about our need to tame nature and green growing things because they are so "wild" that they would quickly overcome our efforts to control them, were they let free to grow.
It was raining today, and I was very glad and thankful for the rain and I'm sure the grass and my plants were too.
Since things turned around in such an unexpected way last December, I for the most time forget that our hopes are based on something very uncertain. Using a biblical metaphor, our hopes and lives right now are built upon sand, not rock. It was good to "pretend" that things were going well so I could have the peace of mind I needed in order to work on the dissertation, but now we're back to "real life." I feel devastated by the mere prospect of him losing his job again, but I know I should feel confident that everything will turn out OK in the end.
The biggest problem is this house. I've been repeating the mantra in my head that "this is not our house, it belongs to the bank, we're just 'renting' it from them in a way by paying the mortgage every month," but it's hard not to get attached to it, particularly after we're doing all these renovations and it begins to look much better and feel more ours. I don't want to be attached to things, though (and I am, most of the time, unfortunately), we don't need things to live, only very few of them. Maybe I need to learn this lesson, even if it is the hard way.
I should keep this in mind: we can live in this country, now. We can find new jobs, we can fly... I just wish we could know where we'll land and when.
I am just tired of not knowing.
I can't imagine how hard it is to be putting so much work and emotion into a house (and, the emotion is inevitable when you're doing all the work!) and to have to deal with that uncertainty. I just keep keeping my fingers crossed for you that all will work out.
Yes, me too... crossing my fingers that everything will work out in the best way possible. For now, I guess you're right-- all you can really do is try to enjoy what you have while you have it.
And what a gorgeous flower photo! Really, some of these you have posted are absolutely stunning.
You are in a difficult place, for sure, with all of those unknowns. It's pretty tough to just 'be' when you've been going 100 mph. I'm saying some prayers for you all.
I'm so impressed that you're push mowing 3/4 of an acre! You rock!
Hang in there, Lilian.
And wow, I'm impressed with the push mowing, too!
And you, my friend, dear Lilian, are SO not alone! I am of the mind that there are uncertainties and difficulties in all our lives. What matters is not the circumstances that are given us, but how we navigate them (and maintain ourselves along the way).
Enjoy the garden path, meandering with the flowers and the rain, expecting the sun to rise in the dawn, and knowing that even if it doesn't tomorrow, it will return again.
I love mowing the lawn too. You are right though, it takes tons of water and hard work to keep it "tame". You have a startlingly beautiful flower photo here! Geranium? I'd love to have you join my Sunday Garden Tour round up today.
I'm sorry you are still uncertain about jobs and keeping the house. I think it's good to remember all that you can do and try to think of it as a freedom somehow. We live by faith.
Uncertainty is no fun, and admire you all for putting so much effort into the here and now--it's so important.
Enjoy those flowers!
Leave it to me to pick on minutiae, but we got our mower for $5 at a garage sale. Or maybe $10. Either way, the $35 tune-up at the hardware store was many times more expensive than the mower, and it's never given us a moment's trouble. So haunt the sales in the rich neighborhoods near you! When the high school boy goes to college, the dad buys a riding mower and you get the cheapie gas one. And for a total investment of less than $50, you don't need to feel bad about leaving it with the house if it comes to that.
I can totally sympathize with "not knowing." Even though some of the uncertainty has left our lives, there are so many things that remain uncertain. I keep telling myself I'll feel better once I see CU-land, but I'm not always so sure.
Eu também me sinto assim qdo situações precisam ser tomadas ou qdo algo novo está pra acontecer em minha vida... Fico numa tensão sem tamanho pra ter a certeza do que vai acontecer no final. As coisas vão dar certo? E se eu fizesse isso em vez daquilo não ia ser melhor? Eu sempre desejo um controle remoto estilo o do filme "Click" pra me ajudar a tomar decisões ou pelo menos ajudar a descançar...
Atualmente eu tenho passado um pouco por isso, estou evitando conversar com meu marido, já que temos até o final do ano pra decidir, mas ele quer largar tudo aqui no Brasil e correr atrás da pós dele fora daqui. Há alguns meses eu estava bastante supportive, mas de uns tempos pra cá o desepero pelo incerto começou a bater na minha porta...
Fico com medo de me acomodar onde estou, mas também tenho medo de me arriscar e as coisas não sairem como o esperado.
E pra completar meu marido já largou tanta coisa pra correr atrás da minha vida acadêmica - e sempre deu certo! -, me sinto um pouco na obrigação de fazer o mesmo agora...
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