Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Kelvin's Latest Obsession

I started this post weeks ago, but I'll finish now!!
Since I need to write three posts a day until Dec. 31st I asked my son Kelvin for advice and he said I should write a post about him, so there you go, iKelvin! ;-)

Just as I write this post (on 12/31) he's at work at his current obsession: he wants to build a computer. Since he doesn't have the 800 dollars he needs we convinced him to upgrade our current desktop and he has agreed (for now), so he's looking into that right now.

Kelvin lives for these obsessions of his, sometimes they are model trains, or getting an ipad, or buying a new game console, and for a few weeks he has a "one track mind" talking about it constantly.

The reason he wants to build a new computer is to be able to record his game playing and post it on YouTube (on the Wii since we don't have the WiiU yet, nor do we want him to buy it).

OK, I'll write more about that later. I still have six more posts to write!

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