Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ultra Energized, though not for long :(

I think it must be hormonal, but I've never really paid much attention* before to this coming and going, ebbing and flowing of energy and good mood.

Right now I hardly ever feel tired, even if I didn't sleep that many hours, and I actually feel very alert and even-keeled. I like to feel so stable and content because I do have a pretty stable mood in general, but sometimes I get whiny and angsty as you know from my posts once in a while. I especially like the extra energy, though!

So I've been productive and enjoying it while it lasts. This evening, from 7-10 pm I made vegetable stock from scratch, cooked 2 kinds of beans to freeze for soup (cheaper and healthier than canned!) and made a huge pot of tomato sauce (after peeling all tomatoes, mincing and sautéeing onions and pressed garlic). I also made some rice and seasoned the cooked beans.

Yesterday I came home pretty late and K had already cooked rice (in the rice cooker) and defrosted a lentil dish, and I put away all the groceries and farmer's market produce I bought and prepared a large pan of fried okra and cooked pumpkin. Oh, and this morning before leaving I did two loads of laundry that K hung on the line later.

I'm not looking forward to sluggish me! :(  I don't like to arrive home and so feel tired and morose that I don't want to cook, just lay down or sit with a good book. I know it's coming, though, it's just a matter of days or weeks -- I kind of wish I knew when the changes are going to take place, but I just don't! Sigh...

I know I had more things to say about this subject, but now it has all fled my brain. I'll edit this post if I remember! Now I need to go to bed. In fact, the weirdest thing for me is how I've been waking up before the alarm every morning and having more energy in the morning (I'm mostly a night person otherwise). I'll let you know when the tide changes!

*I've always had extremely irregular cycles, so I never know when I'm PMSing or something, I generally realize it after the fact. I don't mind this unpredictability, that's the way I've always been, but I feel dumb for only realizing it in retrospect. I think this is the first time I'm consciously paying attention to my energy levels and mood and attempting to record something.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Wow! You WERE productive! That's awesome. :) I hope it lasts for quite a while. It's nice to feel like you have energy.