Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Home Alone...

... on a beautiful, windy day.

Sigh. I hope time will go by fast even though I'll be alone only for two days. Tomorrow I'll be away on the U#2 campus until night and on Thursday I will meet up with K at the university to go to a dinner that evening, but I won't see the boys until Thursday night. :(

I miss my sons a lot and I have missed them since we got home on Sunday night after leaving them with my brother-in-law's family. K and I enjoyed spending time with each other, after all, I barely saw him last week, but the house was strangely quiet and empty.

I need to prepare myself for an empty-nest in about 8 years because I don't want to miss the boys like crazy all my life. How can I avoid that? (My own mother has never gotten over us growing up and leaving and I feel so so sorry for her. It's a completely different story with K's family).

That's why I'm glad I'm working full-time again, so I can "have a life" besides being a mom. I just hope that I'm no longer "working in the margins" by the time I become an empty-nester. That would probably be tough.

I have tons and tons of things to do and yet here I am blogging. I just needed to get these thoughts out of my system... and I'm actually not very good at doing what needs to be done. :(

Keep your fingers crossed that I will (I need to GRADE!!! What else? ;)

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Definitely hare to be productive on a day like today! I've been taking the chores a tiny bit at a time with lots of breaks. :)