Wednesday, April 07, 2010

20 Years Ago

K and I became a couple.

And I just want to say that our day was not very different than my blogger friend Pithy Dithy on her recent tenth wedding anniversary (her post is cunningly titled "Love Life"). I guess the main difference is that, for the most part, the boys sleep on their beds (last night Linton did come into our bed towards the end of the night, it happens at least once a week), but other than that, in spite of the age difference (our sons are five and four years older than theirs), we're pretty much involved with the boys the whole time.

And the anniversary of our being together this year coincided with the end of the boys' cyberschool's 3rd "marking period" (or quarter) and Kelvin still had a lot of word to do before the day ended. I'm exhausted right now. But I didn't want to let this day pass by without a post. After all, as K said this morning when I reminded him of what day it was while Kelvin jumped on my lap as I sat down, they are "the result" of these 20 years together, these boys are... Yeah, not romantic in the least, but very true. These two beautiful human beings carved out of our love. They just exist to show that love is hard work, really hard work.

20 years ago I couldn't fathom we'd be here now. I always wanted a family, children, but I never dreamed how much they become part of you, these children of ours... Now, if I could only know where we'll be in 20 years! Still together, that, I'm sure. Unless death intervenes.

1 comment:

pithydithy said...

Hooray for 20 years! I agree with you that it's just impossible to understand what it is to have children until you're there.

Thanks for the shout out too!

And, errr, I totally read your second entry about the Census when you posted it. And I thought "Oh, I should run and find a link." And....I didn't. FIL visiting and boys and all that. I'm sorry I'm a sucky blogger friend!

Anyway, congrats to y'all on 20 years together. That's pretty damn impressive!