Sunday, March 08, 2009

Alpha Mom Attacks

I'm not an alpha-mom, of that I am very sure. I'm very loving and caring and I do spend a lot of time with my kids, but not necessarily "quality time" (i.e. I don't play with them much, unlike their dad). I'm a pretty laid back person and, consequently, a pretty laid back mom (on my standards, at least).

A few times a year, though, I have acute "alpha mom" attacks. Can you guess when?

If you're a long time reader and you remember my party picture posts you will already have answered by now that these attacks occur around my sons' birthdays. For some reason I just love to throw them big parties. It's partly a cultural thing (in Brazil people love to have big parties for anything and kid's birthdays are no exception, being generally parties to which whole families go, not only the children) and partly one of my own personal "goals" or eccentricities as a parent. :-)

So, tomorrow is Kelvin's party and if all those invited come we will have around 70 people. Isn't that completely crazy? Well, crazy and merry, since I totally embrace and agree with the adage "the more the merrier!" And I'm still up preparing things for the party.

This is the worst day in the year to "Spring forward" and lose an hour :-(

Oh, and before I forget, I want to congratulate two blogging friends who just had their babies!!!

Meredith just had her second son yesterday morning and lucky Keiko had a daughter on Thursday (her second child too). And I obviously feel just a tiny bit jealous, especially of Keiko and her little girl... oh well. I should be relieved, that's what, particularly in our situation nowadays.

I sure am happy for them, though!


t1 Diabetes said...

I can relate to that... I'm already planning my daughter's b-day party and she is only 7 weeks! lol
I think it's the brazilian happy blood. Hope you survive the party.

Keiko said...

Thanks Lilian!! Voltamos pra casa hoje depois de um retorno ao hospital por 2 dias (ictericia)
I understand the jealousy...hehehe, Tati is very jealous as well...but well...that's something we can't really choose!

And yes for the big parties! They drive us crazy and tired, but it's definetelly worth it!

Quero um brigadeiro!!!!!!
