Thursday, May 02, 2013

Officially Overwhelmed and Freaking Out :(

I know I will survive and that things will get done, but right now I don't know how it will possibly happen. And I don't really care, to say the truth, but I'm tired and I'm still overwhelmed and freaking out even though I don't exactly "care" (just because I'm too tired). Case in point: I have a day of symposium presentations to attend all day tomorrow (I will try to work while I watch presentations) and I just go back to work on Saturday night... We'll see how it'll go. First, a summary of today:

Final exam followed by a lunch for my students at U#3 was an overwhelming success. This was the second time I was meeting 4 of the students in person (last time was for last December's final) and first time for 4 other students. They were sweethearts. Not only did they love the food and thank me abundantly, but they sat around the table and we talked for over an hour after everyone had finished eating. One of the students had to go to class and another one had a phone interview (all but one of the eight are seniors!) but came back after the call was done and was so happy we were still there!

I mean... that's why I teach. Because interacting with students is priceless.

(tangent: I have decided that I will start a new tradition: writing a good-bye letter [email] to my students every semester. And, maybe, write an introduction letter too. I will definitely do that. The hardest part will be finding the time!)

OK, so... here's what I need to do:

1) Edit next semester's beginner class syllabus and write a formal proposal to my department requesting to teach 4 days and have the 5th devoted to online activities. I need to provide a rationale and HOURS that the students will work (50 minutes class time, 2h of studying related to that class) in order to justify not meeting with them that 5th day. I obviously have been postponing writing this for weeks... Sigh. (Still working on it Friday 05/03)

2) Finish deciding what will be in final exams next week and email a study guide for students ASAP. Done at the last minute, Sunday 05/05.

3) Email more details about oral exam recording for students (this had to be done DAYS ago!!). Done! Friday 05/03.

4) Email more guidelines for literature students about final project due on Monday. Done Saturday night (?). Grade their paper that was due this past Monday and email them feedback. ASAP.

5) Grade last week's language class test & go on Monday and Tuesday to administer the final exams.

6) Spend sometime there for "in person" oral exams. Grade final exams and calculate final grades and post grades.

7) Grade final projects from lit class and give final grades. 

8) (ongoing) Keep giving permission for students that want to be in my Fall classes (I have a feeling that the new hire will take care of that and it will be one less thing I will have control over. Gotta prepare myself for that possibility. And think positive: one less thing to worry about). Email senior applicants that they may not get in the class. DONE!

All right, I should be working and not blogging. I hope to be able to cross more items SOON! :)

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