Monday, May 13, 2013

More than HALF-WAY Done!!!


I graded all final exams. Now I just need to add the oral exam grade & process/post the final grades to my two language classes.

I already read a number of essays for the lit class too. I don't think it'll take too long to get done with that one.


Meanwhile, today was a bad day on the asthma front. :( My oldest son has already had four nebulizer breathing treatments since 6 am (when he woke up up. I'm so tired!)

I think he got worse after I took him to school at 9:30 am because he's part of a play (for the Spring program tomorrow) and they have all these bales of hay on stage and in the gym and he happens to be super allergic to all grasses. I gave him allergy medication this afternoon & will give him more tomorrow before the program. Hopefully it'll help.


Now I have to go and be DONE ASAP!

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