Sunday, March 03, 2013

Greg & Rodrick

One more post brought to you thanks to the popularity of the "Wimpy/Degonflé/Banana Kid" at our house right now.

Earlier today my youngest son told me something that made me a little sad...

He remarked matter-of-factly that he feels like his life is similar to Greg's and that his brother acts like Rodrick sometimes.

I have only read snippets of these books, but the title and the cover of Rodrick Rules say it all:
What can parents do to deal better with sibling rivalry? My mom was telling me on one of our phone conversations last week that she has "video proof"(in the many home videos that she made of the boys over the years) of how harassed my youngest was by his older brother when he was little. Sigh...

I know sibling conflicts are normal and that birth order determines so much in our lives, but still, I feel a bit impotent before this situation (well, and many others too, to be frank). Why is it so hard to teach love, patience and compassion? Some people seem to have personalities that are more conducive to these qualities, others don't (and my oldest seems to be more of the latter, unfortunately). 

OK, let me stop here. I hardly ever share these stories and concerns... this is hardly a "mommy-blog" at times, but I feel compelled to do it from time to time. Do you have any thoughts to share about this?


kate said...

We definitely have this issue at our house, too. No advice, but at least I can commiserate.

kundlireading said...

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