Kelvin, my love,
You already know so much of what I'm going to write here because I tell you some of these things each and every day, but I'm never tired of saying them time and again.
The day you were born was the most amazing day of my life. I knew that having a baby was going to be special, but I had no idea how special and magic it would be. The world suddenly was a different place, particularly after we left the hospital with tiny you in the car seat. Everything seemed completely different and also strangely scary because now we had that fragile being to take care of. I don't think anyone can understand how precious human life is until one has to care for a newborn baby.

Things were quite hard in the beginning because you were jaundiced and sleepy and wouldn't nurse, and then wouldn't poop (really! I know you're going to think this is absolutely hilarious, since you and your brother find any mention of that word and others related to it so funny, but it was as serious problem and the doctor was also concerned!). You eventually did and then, after a long month you finally figured out the whole nursing thing and then things got to much easier!

You were a calm baby. Much too calm at times --not veryinterested in playing with your toys. This calmness lasted only until you learned to walk at 13 months. Then you just wanted to walk, walk, walk. You walked over a mile once, when we visited a cave in New Mexico you were only 15 months!) and you refused to sit on daddy's backpack carrier. You always had the cutest high pitched voice and we had lots of fun teaching you to say who the presidents of certain countries were (U.S., Brazil, Russia and France) and you would always answer on cue (even if we switched the questions around) for the amazement of all our friends.
As the first grandchild on both sides of the family you were nearly spoiled with tons of love and attention from your grandparents, uncles and aunts and I think that this is why to this day you love to have lots of friends and family around!
It is hard to summarize eight years of your life in a few paragraphs, but I wanted to say here that I'm very proud of how motivated in learning about science and how well you read. I'm thrilled that you enjoy reading and I hope the this interest in learning and in reading may continue throughout your life. Everyone is also amazed at how good you are with computers and gadgets of all kinds. Your auntie Marcia remarked this weekend, "Kelvin, you're the only person I know who reads manuals" (you were reading the manual to the toy she had just given you).
I really love how caring and loving you are, always giving us hugs and kisses and telling us you love us. I feel especially happy when you thank me for the food I make, saying it's the most delicious thin you've ever eaten! :-) You are always ready to forgive me if I make mistakes (you know that sometimes it's not easy to get you do do schoolwork and I get upset about it). Most importantly, my heart almost bursts when you say that I'm "the best mother in the world!" Of course once in a while you don't feel that way, but thankfully it doesn't last very long. ;-)
I could go on and on talking about you, but then I wouldn't get any sleep tonight, so I will end here. I'm thrilled that you are my son and I love you just so much! I hope you've had a nice birth-day!
Happy Birthday, Kelvin!
Yes, Happy Birthday!!!!
This is so sweet and beautiful, Lilian! Happy birthday to your wonderful boy...
Happy Birthday, Kelvin; and happy motherhood anniversary, my friend.
Happy belated birthday, Kelvin! I think you and Ben would get along so well, I do hope you can meet someday. And it's a milestone for you, too, Lilian; congratulations!
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