Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Safely Here, Going to Bed

We made it in five hours and I drove half of the way. Driving is good for thinking, too bad it's hard to record those thoughts later...

Random thing. I googled my first and last names today and I was utterly surprised to find my facebook profile (not open to people not logged in and not my contacts) as the first result! Wow! More power to them, I guess... or whatever. And, BTW, if you're on facebook but not my friend yet and want to be, just let me know. I never do anything there, but I'm going to post more pictures because friends are asking for photos of the boys.

I was going to prepare a short power point presentation for tomorrow, but I read some blogs and wrote emails instead... oh well. I guess I've already done tons of work and I can "sit back and relax" now. I think I've got my priorities straight after all! ;-)

P.S. I forgot to say this in my previous post, but I did finally finish a conclusion draft (only 11 pages) and sent it to the committee before we left.

Oh, I just remembered that I have to figure out how to do a cut on the post I'm "publishing" tomorrow... and I'm so sleepy.

This is the most boring post ever. But I'm going to finally "earn" my Ph.D. tomorrow, so I can do silly stuff, like write a random post.

P.S. Thanks for all your good wishes. I feel like the most supported -- by virtual friends as well as from family and friends far and near -- dissertation defender EVER.


Prisca said...

I can't wait to hear your good news. :)

Aliki2006 said...

I am thinking of you--I can't wait!!!!

pithydithy said...


Rene said...

Wish I could pick up the phone and call you right now. I can't wait to hear all about it.

ArticulateDad said...

I'm here too, Dr. But, I'll be patient.