Wednesday, December 26, 2007


First, I want to say that we're having a great time with family during the holidays and I hope you are too (that's why i didn't post earlier). Maybe I'll blog more about our Christmas later and see if I can include some photos... that is, if I can get over what happened this morning.

Last night I was checking blogs for the first time in a couple of days and I came across Dawn's rant about losing all her itunes music (and something else) and her subsequent apology about said rant. I felt really really sorry for her because I think one of the saddest things is losing photos, music, documents in computer crashes. It hasn't happened to me yet, thankfully, and although I'm not as careful as she is about backing up, I try to have all my photos in three separate places (desktop, external hard drive, laptop). Well, but it seems that having read her posts kind of jinxed me (I'm just kidding, of course...).

So... this morning I was taking pictures of my nephews when I noticed that the memory stick was full. I came to the bedroom to download the photos onto the laptop and while I was starting the download I noticed that several of the photos had already been downloaded. I didn't want to keep clicking "NO" (for the message "replace the other one by this one") so I canceled the download and opened the December file to checked which ones were already in the computer and then quickly (and carelessly -- I'm usually extremely careful because I'm a photo fanatic) selected a bunch of photos in the memory stick and clicked the delete button. I didn't really stop to think before the computer asked me if i really wanted to delete those 177 files and I hit "YES," but the moment I glanced at the thumbnails still displayed on the screen I realized that I had selected all the photos I took on our anniversary day celebration in Philly and more. Of course it was too late. I had just lost a bunch of pictures I had never even SEEN (only browsed through thumbnails quickly) let alone downloaded. I was instantly crushed. So much so that I immediately left the room and told everyone that I had to get over it and that I had just done something really really stupid. My husband's family knows how obsessed I am with photos, so they were very sympathetic.* I did my best not to overreact this time and I kept repeating "I'll get over it. It's OK." And I am OK. They remarked that it was better that i hadn't seen the photos yet, but that kind of worries me too, because sometimes I take random pictures of the boys that turn out really beautiful and I keep trying to remember which are the photos that I deleted.

Hmmm, yeah, I just remembered that I deleted all photos we took at Longwood Gardens last week on Wednesday which really is NOT a bit deal at all... and that is a great comfort to me. I'm glad I remembered that, phew!!

All right, i gotta go because the boys want to use the laptop to watch a video, but I wanted to share this little stupid mistake with you. I hope I can post a more substantial post later and even include some photos. I should be fully over it by the end of the day! :) And from now on I'll be really more careful and double check every time I hit the delete button. Sigh.

*Although a few minutes later my FIL asked "are you going to be sulking about this all day long?" Hmmm, No?!!


Oonie said...

Oh, I would totally have sulked all day. Which is ridiculous because when I try to be objective about this, I realize that there are several pre-digital albums I haven't looked at in YEARS. But I would have been crushed also and am completely paranoid about erasing things off the camera until I triple check that they have been downloaded.
And this is partially because all of the pictures from my first son's birth through Christmas (2 months) mysteriously disappeared and are nowhere to be found. I have some hard copies of them but the digital images evaporated. I have a whole old hard drive I can't get rid of because I'm convinced they are SOMEWHERE on there if only someone knew how to find them.
Enough of my rant. So sorry you lost the photos. Hope the reso f you holidays are good!

Aliki2006 said...

Well. I have to say I felt some relief reading your post because I was worried at first that the "jinxed" part referred to some problem with your husband's job, etc.!