Thursday, December 13, 2012

More on the FedEx Arrow...

... or, thanks Kate and Jo(e), you made my day!

You cannot imagine how many times (hundreds!) I wrote this post on my head while on the road. But I could never do it because: 1) I was driving; 2) I didn't have a smart phone. It was only now that I have an iPhone and on a rare day in which my husband was driving and not me (we're hardly ever together in the car during the semester) that I was finally able to pull it off!

To answer Kate's question, nobody ever pointed out the arrow to me (as I did to you today), I was just in traffic, behind a FedEx truck and all of a sudden I saw it! It was sometime between 2004-2007 when I lived close to the Philadelphia airport that I first saw it and then became a bit obsessed with it.

When thinking of writing my blog post, I imagined that there must have been someone reading the blog who had never noticed it and in fact, there were! Here's another photo that I took from my living room one day when the neighbors across the street had a delivery:
Last, but not least, my dear friend J emailed me this very interesting link titled "Clever Logos - Can You Guess?" It has some other fascinating logos that have some "hidden" images too. Thanks to you too, J!

Anyone else hadn't seen the FedEx arrow before? I'm just sooooo curious to find out!

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