Monday, October 29, 2012

Waiting for Sandy...

Until now we've just felt it's been useless to be stuck at home since we've only had very light rain, but it looks like things are going to start picking up.

I thoroughly enjoyed sleeping in and lazily lounging in bed. We haven't made many preparations. We filled a huge water jug with filtered water and I'm considering filling the tub with water in case we need it to flush & clean.

I'm hoping we won't lose power, though. We have a gas stove, so I guess we can still cook without electricity...

I feel weird not teaching with such a mild weather outside and of course days off completely mess up the schedule. :( And it looks like they might give us the day off tomorrow too depending on how bad it is overnight.

At least it's not snow like last year, so I don't think we'll lose the rest of our tree. (Later I found that Bradford pears are really bad trees to have... well, ours came with the house...).

And so we wait...

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