Thursday, August 11, 2011

This was the worst week to get sick

I have some strange digestive track virus... thankfully no vomiting, but lots of pain and discomfort and even a low grade fever (all day Tuesday and last night again). I'm a bit better, but I haven't eaten pretty much anything since Tuesday (when my last "meal" was a bagel anyway) and I'm not hungry in the least. I must have lost a couple of pounds already, which is not a good thing for me.

And this, of all weeks, is when I didn't need and really couldn't have been sick, but I am. K has not been able to help much because he's working like crazy to try to have his grant proposal written as well as elaborate a poster to present a conference he's going to next week. On Tuesday night, when I was feeling really bad, he didn't come home until after 10 pm, then he stayed home yesterday morning, but didn't come back home until nearly 5 am this morning. At least the first draft of the grant proposal is ready, but he still needs to get the poster done and he thinks it's unlikely that he'll finish before tonight, so instead of driving to PA and only having about 6h to drive tomorrow, we'll have to travel for over 10h to New England. :(

And there's something else going on that I'll write another post about shortly!

I hope I can be well soon. Wish us luck!

Edited to add: the hardest thing for me is taking care of the boys, trying to feed them when I can't get close to food and can hardly make any effort since I'm pretty week and getting them ready for bed and in bed without help from K (he usually takes care of the bedtime routine). We're surviving, anyway. That's when having mostly "free range" kids comes in handy...

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