Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ready for School Tomorrow

Their backpacks were ready two weeks before our trip and today we started the bedtime routine soon after dinner, with enough time to pick outfits, let the boys' bedroom clean and organized, make sure we'd packed every single item in the school supply list.

So I guess we're ready. Kelvin can't wait to begin 4th grade and is really excited to be going back to school tomorrow (albeit 4 days late), but Linton keeps saying he doesn't like school. I know he's going to have a great time in 2nd grade, though!

In spite of the lack of a family vacations, we had a nice weekend with friends and family.

Too bad the boys are much readier than I am to go back to school (teaching). :(   I think next Sunday night I'll be a nervous wreck.  Sigh...

Tomorrow, kitten blogging,  promise!!

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