Saturday, January 01, 2011

I Wish in 2011...

... that my brother can conceive the child he and his wife have been dreaming of for years now.

... I can spend more than 3 days with my brother and his wife.

... that everyone in the family is healthy.

... all my friends who are going through difficulties, especially with work, can find work and financial security for their families.

And I hope I can write at least 365 posts this year (not daily, since some days I will post more than once for sure). I wish to write more in 2011 (like several of my friends, particularly Anjali & Kateri) and since I have no plans to publish anything (maybe, just maybe, an academic paper or two), I want to write more on the blog.

1 comment:

Delia said...

i hope you and yours **all** get what you're wishing for in 2011...