Saturday, January 01, 2011


When I was younger I just LOVED these "palindromic" dates. I think the most remarkable one in my teen years was 8/8/88 (I was 17 then), I wrote so much that night! I used to feel like these dates were very "historic" and therefore worth celebrating. I didn't care for 9/9/99 too much because I was already older and less prone to these kind of musings. I didn't want to let 1/1/11 to pass without writing about it, though. Particularly after I noticed that the Lioness had written a post with this title (thanks!).

As usual, it's over an hour later, but I have a good excuse. We are visiting "old" (OK, recent, from 2007-now) friends in Pennsylvania and came to a New Year's party to see them. K is still downstairs talking with our host.

I already wrote three posts about the New Year, I had them all typed up since 12/15/10 -- I really was very organized this year! I thought I was going to post them yesterday on the 31st, but I didn't need to because I had enough posts to reach my goal. So, don't miss: what I want for 2011, my wishes for 2011, and what will happen in 2011.

Happy New Year, my friends near and far!!

1 comment:

ArticulateDad said...

All the best to you in the new year! May all your wishes come true. And mya '40' pass as just another day. If you need some inspiration as to why that's not so bad, check out the Economist's take on why life begins at 46.