The boys played frisbee with K, Kelvin convinced K & I to play his new card game with him, Monopoly Deal
I even spent the drive to the beach and a few minutes there grading (to quiet my conscience since I have a pile of grading and hadn't done any of it). The photo of me grading didn't come out so nice, so I'm not including it. ;-)
This is what it looked like before we drove home to have a Thanksgiving meal at our friends' house:
If you are in the U.S. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and/or friends. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I was feeling a bit sad this year to break a tradition that went on for eight years (well, except that last year K was away in Brazil and only arrived on Friday): getting together with my oldest brother-in-law and his family. From 2002-2004 we actually drove from 14-16 hours from MA and PA to Michigan to be with them!
This year they had a house overflowing with guests and we had the whole week off (K & I, not the boys, but they only missed a day and a half), so we decided to come to Florida instead. We're still going to see them on Saturday (we're driving back tomorrow) because we want to see our youngest nephew who's visiting from Canada. Speaking of which, I think next year we're going to Montreal for Thanksgiving break.
All right, I think I'm going to end up going to a couple of stores tonight. The most important thing I need to get is an airbed (12 bucks!) so we can sleep at BIL's house on Saturday. Ours has a hole in it. :(
How was your Thanksgiving(if you had one)?
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