Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I hope to be able to write about this more thoughtfully later, but now I'm trying to deliver my daily post already a bit late.

The visit to the ophthalmologist was not the only major doctor's visit last week. We also took the boys to the allergist. We've taken them to two specialists and they don't even have a primary care provider! I guess that's an advantage of a "better" health care plan, but I digress...

I'm not to thrilled to report that they are taking a new medication (an inhaled steroid) to help control their asthma. I know that we need to treat their condition (even though the symptoms are not severe at all, particularly in Kelvin). Oh, and irony of ironies!, the drug company is K's former employer. BLAH! I don't like to think about that time in our lives, I guess I haven't yet healed completely or if I ever will.

I don't like to think too much that we're pumping our boys' bodies with chemicals... it's just too sad. And it's also depressing to think that all doctors do nowadays is to fill prescriptions, right and left. It's a tangled lucrative web this is. It doesn't help one bit to have a bit of an insider's glimpse into it.

OK, time for bed. I have the cards, but now I'm working to try to get a photo book done before next week. Sigh.

P.S. Thanks for your lovely comments to my "blogiversary" post! I'm thrilled to know that you're still out there reading. More on that later...

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