Monday, May 17, 2010

I Know Where I Come from, But I Don't Know Where I'm Going

I'm sure this (or something like it) must be an existing song title, too bad I don't know the song. (Yeah, pathetic joke, I know).

Anyhow, this is the truth about our lives right now. We know where we've come from and where we've been, but we have no idea where we're going to. We should be used to that by now, it's been nearly fifteen years of wandering for us, but I guess it's always an unsettling situation to be in. Particularly when you're just so close to finally "settling" down somewhere (or so we hope).

Problem is, in only 17 days we'll be out of this house and plans need to be made (we were able to agree to split the extra 11K evenly with the buyers, so the deal is up -- tomorrow's town inspection pending). So far we know we're getting things into boxes that can be stored and transported anywhere. And we know that from June 11-20 the boys and I will be living in a tent for "camp meeting." Other than that... we don't know. There are friends houses where we can stay, but one cannot (and want not) to do that indefinitely. So, yeah, that's that.

I'll keep you posted, all right?


Rene said...

Well, it's not exactly what you've written, but there is an 80's rock song by Whitesnake called "Here I Go Again" that begins, "I don't know where I'm going, but I sure know where I've been." That's close. =)

If you feel like seeing some crazy 80's hair, you can watch the music video here

ArticulateDad said...

Good luck on the journey. Enjoy it, wherever the road leads.