Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Life Repeating Itself

I've been thinking a lot about the past three years, the period we've lived in this house. I want to blog some about it and I really want to find the time to post some photos. I was thinking about when we moved here in 2007 and while taking a look at the archives I found an interesting post.

Journaling is important for me primarily because I can take a peek at the past and see how things turned out, how they changed (or not), so I can then look forward to the future and wonder what will take place then. I haven't used the blog for this purpose as much as I should (I regularly re-read old journals), but I guess that moving is making me feel like doing that.

When I read the title of this old post and thought about one of my recent posts, I had to laugh out loud. Well, and also lament our "fate" or "bad luck" for a bit and think "how life repeats itself, no?" And posts on my blog too -- sorry!

Let's keep our fingers crossed that maybe the next time there will be movers! ;-)

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