Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Still Up in the Air

Things haven't changed a bit since I last updated on our house sale situation.

The appraisal was a week ago, but no word from the bank yet (this doesn't bode well, does it?), so we cannot proceed with the needed repairs from the inspection report.

We did schedule the town's inspection and we have a week to get things done in that front (we'll have to replace the door from the garage to the family room :-( among other things -- mostly replacing electric outlets). I don't know how those will get done either since K is away all day long with his 3h daily commute.

On the other front, nothing yet, but there will probably be an interview (inside informant warned K about that).

All this waiting is very unnerving. I hope things become clearer soon. Moving is difficult in and of itself, but it seems that since 2007 our lives have taken several turns in the direction of particularly difficult and long-winded resolutions.* Yeah, we're still on the roller-coaster.

* Summary for those who haven't been reading that long: 2007 was the year K got the unfortunate job offer from big pharma. We made an offer on a house, got it inspected, had to jump out of the deal because K's visa process took to long. Then after he started the new job and we bought this fixer-upper house he lost his job after less than two months there. He was readmitted, stayed for a year (I finally finished the phd), then decided to leave and go back to academia, regrets ensued, we could have lost the house, etc, etc... and here we are today. All things considered, we're doing GREAT, but I'm getting tired of the ups and downs and the surprising turns. Sigh.

1 comment:

Jody said...

I hope the universe sends some resolution and decisiveness SOON. And all of it positive.