Monday, October 08, 2007

Where to Start?

I don't know why I just seem to be facing a huge writing block regarding the blog.

I've been thinking and thinking and trying to figure out what's holding me back, but there's not one specific thing. It could be the endless "to-do" list and living in chaos, or the hard time adapting to a new house, new neighborhood, almost new life. I don't miss anything about the old one, but I still need to adapt.

I have also been holding back tons of planned posts, some even written down on paper in my journal. The posts about the award nominations, memes, original memes, etc. I haven't been keeping up with the blog reading as well and I feel bad about that. I kind of feel guilty about blogging and not working and I have been spending very little time online, which I guess is a good thing.

Besides... I have tons of things to do in every area of my life, but there's one priority, one thing that NEEDS to be done and can't be forgotten:

I have a dissertation to finish!!!

I'm really calm about it, too calm, in fact, because I'm confident I'll be able to do OK. Most of it is done and I just can't make it perfect and can't work on it forever.

So, I guess I'm going to start "the blogging that is to come" with some photos. Both old ones from the vacation in Brazil and more recent ones. OK?


Aliki2006 said...

I'll be here waiting for the pics! Don't worry, we all face blogging blocks--you just had a huge change with your move, these things take time!

M said...

I am experiencing a similar block. I feel like my blog was turning into a rant about family, and I don't want it to become that. I think we'll both get over our blocks as we get back into our grooves.