Friday, August 02, 2013

Afraid to sleep

My poison-ivy rashes are mostly healed, I just have dark splotches in various places of my arm and back of the legs. Two days ago, however, my legs started itching and then my belly and, for half a day I thought it was the mosquitoes that had bitten me when I watered the plants in the backyard, but then yesterday (Wednesday) I realized it was not.

Last night I woke up at 3:50 am with both of my legs, the whole legs, itching like crazy! I took a Zyrtec, I took a shower, applied a cortisone cream and an anti-hystamine cream, but I couldn't go back to sleep. I spent sometime online (discovering, thanks to an Amazon reviewer, that I don't have to spend from 24-40 dollars to buy Zanfel to get rid of urushiol, but can buy this stuff called "Mean Green," and, also the Zanfel founder controversy).

I was able to go back to sleep around 7 am and then slept until 11 am when I was groggily woken up by the boys. So... I'm afraid to go to bed now just to be awakened by itching! :-(

It's late, so I guess I'll go.

P.S. I should be using this time to finish my syllabi. I'm playing online instead.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Sounds miserable! I hope it clears up soon. I loved the photos of your weeded flower bed. Such beautiful things growing!