Thursday, February 03, 2011

Snow all over the country, and gorgeous day here

This is what I really wanted to have posted today, accompanied by some nice photos taken with my phone on campus. I don't have the energy to go find the adapter for the tiny memory stick, so I'll just jot these words down before heading to bed.

In any case... my dear husband has been following this latest storm for days in the weather channel online and this morning he even did something we NEVER ever do -- he turned the TV onto the weather channel to check the local forecast before breakfast.

All of this to say that today millions of people woke up to blizzard conditions or lots of treacherous ice and we had a sunny day with temperatures in the 50s. The sky was blue, it was windy and it smelled like Spring! What a wonderful way to begin the month of February.

You know... I think I may get to enjoy living below the Mason-Dixon line after all! ;)

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