Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Cure for Baby Lust

I can't say with conviction that I'm fully recovered from this "ailment" that has plagued me repeatedly in the past, but I'm slowly getting there. :-)

Last week I randomly picked up one of the journals that I kept when Kelvin was 4-6 months old and reading those entries was a powerful reminder of how hard it is to have a baby. All I could write obsessively about were how many hours Kelvin had slept and how many times he had nursed every night... I never found anything so effective in inhibiting any desire that I might still have of having another baby. I was really impressed by that!

This was last week and today I had the chance to test my resolve and whether this shock treatment was really effective. A close friend of ours gave birth yesterday morning (this was a birth that I wanted to have seen, but the baby was born in the 24h that I was away visiting my BIL's family in MD) and this afternoon I went to the hospital to see the baby and my friends. While I was holding him my friend asked whether I wanted to have another baby and I confidently answered: "No, I don't want to have another one." I passed the test! Babies are incredibly lovely, but require incredible patience and work too. This little guy is less than 48h old and his mom is having a hard time sleeping and doing anything else because he wants to be constantly at her breast. I spent 2.5 hours in the hospital and in this brief period I could totally see why I just cannot go through this again. So, there you go... I may agree to have K be "snipped" after all... Let's see. I'll be 40 in a couple of years, so I'm sure this is a good path to take.

OK, I'm going to bed now, we had a long weekend, with K's youngest brother visiting from Canada. This week I'll be mostly offline, but I'll try to post if possible.


t1 Diabetes said...

Que lindinho! Esse e' o nenem da Re?

L said...

Oi Lucy, nao, a Re vai ter nenem em Setembro. Eh o filhote fofo de uma amiga brasileira, minha xara.