Monday, July 02, 2007

From Massachusetts

Yesterday we decided on a whim to take advantage of the 4th of July holiday and come to Massachusetts to visit my husband's parents and his paternal grandmother who is visiting from Brazil. I think it's wonderful that the boys still have 3 great-grandmothers so I want them to spend as much time with them as possible!

It's always a "trip in time" to come to the area where we first lived when we came to the U.S. eleven years ago. This year June 19 came and went and I didn't even remember to post about our 11th anniversary here in the U.S. like I posted last year in the 10th anniversary. I'm truly delighted that finally, in our 11th year here, we have future prospects with my husband's job offer, but I won't be able to really "feel" that these prospects ar real until his visa is granted (we're still waiting for one last letter to arrive) and he finally starts to work. Interestingly enough, moments after he received the offer, back in April, when I was driving to NJ to teach piano, I finally thought to myself, for the first time in eleven years: "Maybe we're going to be immigrants here after all" (I posted about these issues two years ago).

Well, I'll try to post again soon, but now I have to go check on the boys who are going to the pool in their grandparents' apartment complex with daddy. (I want to take photos, obviously).

1 comment:

Keiko said...

Adoro quando eu sou a primeira! hehe

Ter 3 bisavós é mesmo uma sorte, o Zack pobrezinho, tem só uma bisavó, duas avós e nenhum avô!

Hoje aqui também foi feriado, da festa do Canadá que na verdade foi ontem...
